Module KX_MeshProxy

Source Code for Module KX_MeshProxy

  1  # $Id: 4297 2005-04-23 12:25:21Z kester $ 
  2  # Documentation for KX_MeshProxy 
4 -class KX_MeshProxy:
5 """ 6 A mesh object. 7 8 You can only change the vertex properties of a mesh object, not the mesh topology. 9 10 To use mesh objects effectively, you should know a bit about how the game engine handles them. 11 1. Mesh Objects are converted from Blender at scene load. 12 2. The Converter groups polygons by Material. This means they can be sent to the 13 renderer efficiently. A material holds: 14 1. The texture. 15 2. The Blender material. 16 3. The Tile properties 17 4. The face properties - (From the "Texture Face" panel) 18 5. Transparency & z sorting 19 6. Light layer 20 7. Polygon shape (triangle/quad) 21 8. Game Object 22 3. Verticies will be split by face if necessary. Verticies can only be shared between 23 faces if: 24 1. They are at the same position 25 2. UV coordinates are the same 26 3. Their normals are the same (both polygons are "Set Smooth") 27 4. They are the same colour 28 For example: a cube has 24 verticies: 6 faces with 4 verticies per face. 29 30 The correct method of iterating over every L{KX_VertexProxy} in a game object:: 31 import GameLogic 32 33 co = GameLogic.getcurrentController() 34 obj = co.getOwner() 35 36 m_i = 0 37 mesh = obj.getMesh(m_i) # There can be more than one mesh... 38 while mesh != None: 39 for mat in range(mesh.getNumMaterials()): 40 for v_index in range(mesh.getVertexArrayLength(mat)): 41 vertex = mesh.getVertex(mat, v_index) 42 # Do something with vertex here... 43 # ... eg: colour the vertex red. 44 vertex.colour = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] 45 m_i += 1 46 mesh = obj.getMesh(m_i) 47 48 49 """ 50
51 - def getNumMaterials():
52 """ 53 Gets the number of materials associated with this object. 54 55 @rtype: integer 56 """
58 - def getMaterialName(matid):
59 """ 60 Gets the name of the specified material. 61 62 @type matid: integer 63 @param matid: the specified material. 64 @rtype: string 65 @return: the attached material name. 66 """
67 - def getTextureName(matid):
68 """ 69 Gets the name of the specified material's texture. 70 71 @type matid: integer 72 @param matid: the specified material 73 @rtype: string 74 @return: the attached material's texture name. 75 """
76 - def getVertexArrayLength(matid):
77 """ 78 Gets the length of the vertex array associated with the specified material. 79 80 There is one vertex array for each material. 81 82 @type matid: integer 83 @param matid: the specified material 84 @rtype: integer 85 @return: the number of verticies in the vertex array. 86 """
87 - def getVertex(matid, index):
88 """ 89 Gets the specified vertex from the mesh object. 90 91 @type matid: integer 92 @param matid: the specified material 93 @type index: integer 94 @param index: the index into the vertex array. 95 @rtype: L{KX_VertexProxy} 96 @return: a vertex object. 97 """
99 """ 100 Updates the physics system with the changed mesh. 101 102 A mesh must have only one material with collision flags, 103 and have all collision primitives in one vertex array (ie. < 65535 verts) and 104 be either a polytope or polyheder mesh. If you don't get a warning in the 105 console when the collision type is polytope, the mesh is suitable for reinstance. 106 107 @rtype: boolean 108 @return: True if reinstance succeeded, False if it failed. 109 """