Module KX_Camera
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Source Code for Module KX_Camera

  1  # $Id: 15444 2008-07-05 17:05:05Z lukep $ 
  2  # Documentation for Camera game objects. 
  3  from KX_GameObject import * 
5 -class KX_Camera(KX_GameObject):
6 """ 7 A Camera object. 8 9 @group Constants: INSIDE, INTERSECT, OUTSIDE 10 @ivar INSIDE: see sphereInsideFrustum() and boxInsideFrustum() 11 @ivar INTERSECT: see sphereInsideFrustum() and boxInsideFrustum() 12 @ivar OUTSIDE: see sphereInsideFrustum() and boxInsideFrustum() 13 14 @ivar lens: The camera's lens value. 15 @type lens: float 16 @ivar near: The camera's near clip distance. 17 @type near: float 18 @ivar far: The camera's far clip distance. 19 @type far: float 20 @ivar perspective: True if this camera has a perspective transform. 21 22 If perspective is False, this camera has an orthographic transform. 23 24 Note that the orthographic transform is faked by multiplying the lens attribute 25 by 100.0 and translating the camera 100.0 along the z axis. 26 27 This is the same as Blender. If you want a true orthographic transform, see L{setProjectionMatrix}. 28 @type perspective: boolean 29 @ivar frustum_culling: True if this camera is frustum culling. 30 @type frustum_culling: boolean 31 @ivar projection_matrix: This camera's 4x4 projection matrix. 32 @type projection_matrix: 4x4 Matrix [[float]] 33 @ivar modelview_matrix: This camera's 4x4 model view matrix. (read only) 34 Regenerated every frame from the camera's position and orientation. 35 @type modelview_matrix: 4x4 Matrix [[float]] 36 @ivar camera_to_world: This camera's camera to world transform. (read only) 37 Regenerated every frame from the camera's position and orientation. 38 @type camera_to_world: 4x4 Matrix [[float]] 39 @ivar world_to_camera: This camera's world to camera transform. (read only) 40 Regenerated every frame from the camera's position and orientation. 41 This is camera_to_world inverted. 42 @type world_to_camera: 4x4 Matrix [[float]] 43 """ 44
45 - def sphereInsideFrustum(centre, radius):
46 """ 47 Tests the given sphere against the view frustum. 48 49 @param centre: The centre of the sphere (in world coordinates.) 50 @type centre: list [x, y, z] 51 @param radius: the radius of the sphere 52 @type radius: float 53 @return: INSIDE, OUTSIDE or INTERSECT 54 55 Example:: 56 import GameLogic 57 co = GameLogic.getCurrentController() 58 cam = co.GetOwner() 59 60 # A sphere of radius 4.0 located at [x, y, z] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] 61 if (cam.sphereInsideFrustum([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 4) != cam.OUTSIDE): 62 # Sphere is inside frustum ! 63 # Do something useful ! 64 else: 65 # Sphere is outside frustum 66 """
67 - def boxInsideFrustum(box):
68 """ 69 Tests the given box against the view frustum. 70 71 Example:: 72 import GameLogic 73 co = GameLogic.getCurrentController() 74 cam = co.GetOwner() 75 76 # Box to test... 77 box = [] 78 box.append([-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]) 79 box.append([-1.0, -1.0, 1.0]) 80 box.append([-1.0, 1.0, -1.0]) 81 box.append([-1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) 82 box.append([ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0]) 83 box.append([ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]) 84 box.append([ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0]) 85 box.append([ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) 86 87 if (cam.boxInsideFrustum(box) != cam.OUTSIDE): 88 # Box is inside/intersects frustum ! 89 # Do something useful ! 90 else: 91 # Box is outside the frustum ! 92 93 @return: INSIDE, OUTSIDE or INTERSECT 94 @type box: list 95 @param box: Eight (8) corner points of the box (in world coordinates.) 96 """
97 - def pointInsideFrustum(point):
98 """ 99 Tests the given point against the view frustum. 100 101 Example:: 102 import GameLogic 103 co = GameLogic.getCurrentController() 104 cam = co.GetOwner() 105 106 # Test point [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] 107 if (cam.pointInsideFrustum([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])): 108 # Point is inside frustum ! 109 # Do something useful ! 110 else: 111 # Box is outside the frustum ! 112 113 @rtype: boolean 114 @return: True if the given point is inside this camera's viewing frustum. 115 @type point: [x, y, z] 116 @param point: The point to test (in world coordinates.) 117 """
118 - def getCameraToWorld():
119 """ 120 Returns the camera-to-world transform. 121 122 @rtype: matrix (4x4 list) 123 @return: the camera-to-world transform matrix. 124 """
125 - def getWorldToCamera():
126 """ 127 Returns the world-to-camera transform. 128 129 This returns the inverse matrix of getCameraToWorld(). 130 131 @rtype: matrix (4x4 list) 132 @return: the world-to-camera transform matrix. 133 """
135 """ 136 Returns the camera's projection matrix. 137 138 @rtype: matrix (4x4 list) 139 @return: the camera's projection matrix. 140 """
141 - def setProjectionMatrix(matrix):
142 """ 143 Sets the camera's projection matrix. 144 145 You should use normalised device coordinates for the clipping planes: 146 left = -1.0, right = 1.0, top = 1.0, bottom = -1.0, near = cam.near, far = cam.far 147 148 Example:: 149 import GameLogic 150 151 def Scale(matrix, size): 152 for y in range(4): 153 for x in range(4): 154 matrix[y][x] = matrix[y][x] * size[y] 155 return matrix 156 157 # Generate a perspective projection matrix 158 def Perspective(cam): 159 return [[cam.near, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ], 160 [0.0 , cam.near, 0.0 , 0.0 ], 161 [0.0 , 0.0 , -(cam.far+cam.near)/(cam.far-cam.near), -2.0*cam.far*cam.near/(cam.far - cam.near)], 162 [0.0 , 0.0 , -1.0 , 0.0 ]] 163 164 # Generate an orthographic projection matrix 165 # You will need to scale the camera 166 def Orthographic(cam): 167 return [[1.0/cam.scaling[0], 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ], 168 [0.0 , 1.0/cam.scaling[1], 0.0 , 0.0 ], 169 [0.0 , 0.0 , -2.0/(cam.far-cam.near), -(cam.far+cam.near)/(cam.far-cam.near)], 170 [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ]] 171 172 # Generate an isometric projection matrix 173 def Isometric(cam): 174 return Scale([[0.707, 0.0 , 0.707, 0.0], 175 [0.408, 0.816,-0.408, 0.0], 176 [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0], 177 [0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0]], 178 [1.0/cam.scaling[0], 1.0/cam.scaling[1], 1.0/cam.scaling[2], 1.0]) 179 180 co = GameLogic.getCurrentController() 181 cam = co.getOwner() 182 cam.setProjectionMatrix(Perspective(cam))) 183 184 @type matrix: 4x4 matrix. 185 @param matrix: The new projection matrix for this camera. 186 """