2.92 is Blender’s first major release of 2021! It was made possible with a massive amount of community involvement, including assistance from developers and contributors worldwide.
This release introduces a brand new, major feature: Geometry Nodes. Geometry Nodes is a custom modifier that allows to manipulate geometry through a node interface. Currently focused on point and asset scattering workflows, the functionality will expand with upcoming releases.
Other updates include performance and UI improvements to the new Add Primitive Tool, which allows users to create primitives interactively in a couple of clicks.
Blender’s sculpting workspace introduces a new grab silhouette option, the Multires Displacement Smear tool, and more besides.
For 2D animators, Grease Pencil continues its journey to becoming a fully-fledged 2D animation package within Blender as a whole. This means lots of new possibilities, including the option to edit strokes as though they were Bézier curves.
Blender’s video editing capacity has been enriched, paving the way for VSE as a legitimate open source alternative for professional editors.
To see the full list of changes implemented in 2.92, check out the release page. Blender 2.92 splash by Joanna Kobierska.
Finally: major thanks to the Blender community, and the over 5000 individuals and organizations contributing to the Development Fund.