Anthony Salvi – from Paris, France – is a photographer and independent artist who loves to add motion to pictures.

About his series “Les artistes du numérique”, he writes:
The main idea is to illustrate the impact of digital tools on our world. Computers, software and new technology offer to more people the chance to create what they want. That’s why digital artists use these new tools every day to create new forms of art. I found 6 artists representing this development. The goal was to imagine a double portrait. First, the portrait of the human being behind the technology. Human beings are the heart of any form of art. Secondly the portrait of his creative life. As an example : for a musician, his discography.
To translate this creative story into a CGI object, I used a process optimized for all artists. The book of David McCandless (Datavision) was a good starting point for me. In my work, the result is a graphic. This graphic is drawn after a complex analysis of each artist creation and is used to generate the CGI object. Finally, I merge this two portraits of the artist and his own CGI object in a unique picture.
I did pretty much everything in Blender (modeling, camera tracking, lighting, my own HDRi, rendering, masking, compositing).
A video and making of is here.
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(All rights reserved, (c) 2013 Anthony Salvi)