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* Find Blender 3.6 LTS under v3.6 – Stable – LTS branch. Switch by right-clicking on the Blender entry in your library, select Properties..., open the Betas tab and select the v3.6 – Stable – LTS program.
Source Code
The source for this release is under the blender-v3.6-release
branch, and can be compiled as usual. See instructions.
Blender 3.6.20 LTS – January 21, 2025
- Error in Message of Linked data is Missing. [#109186]
- Fix: Uninitialized variable in MTLSafeFreeList. [cdc3421f33d]
- Fix: Random crash in Cycles BVH2 build. [ddedcaa0695]
- Cloth animation crash during Cycles CPU rendered viewport playback. [#131933]
- Render results of CYCLES point cloud instance different from viewport. [#132049]
- Deps: Update Boost library download URL. [5c141586f98]
- Crash when texture baking. [#131814]
- Fix: Cycles random crash loading images. [e5957da]
- Rendering glitch with Points to Volume geometry node. [#132566]
- ASAN: Metal: dereference of a high value address. [#131458]
Blender 3.6.19 LTS – December 17, 2024
- Fix ‘missing files’ operator not reporting which ID is using the missing filepath. [48fdd62ec27]
- Crash renaming a modifier in the Outliner and then toggling its “Realtime” / “show_viewport” property. [#130536]
- 3.6 LTS: EEVEE Non-Color different bit depth JPEGs UDIMs crash. [#130722]
- Dragging on bone transform property won’t go below zero. [#131045]
- While in pose mode, pressing alt+e will disable wireframe overlay. [#130061]
- Geometry node – setting lacunarity to 0 crashes Blender (musgrave texture) [fine in 4.1, request to ackport]. [#100838]
Blender 3.6.18 LTS – November 19, 2024
- Node Wrangler Color Space for Normal Map. [#129695]
- Sculpt: Crash or artifacts when using Scale Tool with multires. [#128917]
- Blender crashes after playing animation button for particles system (Boids). [#126434]
- “Sync Visible Range” option not working in “Movie Clip Editor Panel” > Tracking Mode > View – Graph. [#126728]
- Animation doesn’t play/start when cursor is over side panel of NLA editor. [#126869]
- NLA Editor’s Channel list does not update when object’s viewport visibility changes. [#127117]
- `copy_from_face_interp` needs tuple input, loses reference, returns nothing. [#120861]
- removing f-curve modifier does not purge modifier motion. [#128805]
- Viewport Shading, Render mode, render crashes. [#129235]
Blender 3.6.16 LTS – September 24, 2024
- atan2(0,0) evaluates to NaN on Metal but 0 on all other platforms. [#126799]
- Build: Ambiguous call to isfinite for MSVC 17.11. [1da590cd2e4]
- Blender 3.6.15 MetalRT – Hiding all objects in rendered viewport crashes. [#127453]
- Blender adds Grease Pencil Objects to Scene when appending IDs with annotations (e.g. in their shader editor). [#127142]
Blender 3.6.15 LTS – August 20, 2024
Blender 3.6.14 LTS – July 16, 2024
- STL/PLY: Imported object data instanced. [#118148]
- [snap packaging] Please provide appstream common id. [#123473]
- Cycles: oneAPI: Fix driver version check for future Intel GPU drivers. [2ae87b8fb06]
- Collada: export when editing multiple objects does not pick up all changes. [#94125]
- Possibly incorrect rendering result when using zero-spread area light on a standard Lambertian object in Blender 3.6.12. [#123448]
Blender 3.6.13 LTS – June 25, 2024
- ‘Limit Location’ constraint does not work when added via script. [#119945]
- Fix #102872: Custom Normals Average operator ui shows wrong properties. [#121864]
- layout.template_search() causes crash if target is a PointerProperty. [#122150]
- Exporting PLY with Vertex Normals ON + Importing PLY causes Broken Vertex Normals. [#122344]
- Sculpt: After using clotch, an error will occur in the cloch filter – filter type: scale. [#122429]
- Hair Curves: Grow brush doesn’t work if curves have only two points. [#122598]
- Pie menu performs multiple actions at the same time if it appears near the edge of screen and hotkey is used. [#122526]
- Blender freezes when repeating baking textures. [#82483]
- Regression: Copy to selected on addons properties crach Blender. [#119999]
Blender 3.6.12 LTS – May 21, 2024
- Object ▸ Library Override ▸ Make doesn’t create editable overrides. [#120788]
- Collada: Import with loose edges not immediately show them. [#120721]
- Regression: Transfer Attribute isn’t versioned correctly from 3.3.X to 3.6.10. [#120748]
- Fix potential buffer read overflow in the splash screen. [c02b4b27dac]
- Regression: Custom node remains undefined after running script. [#120084]
- Setting “Fake User” status cannot be undone (e.g. undonig “Mark Asset” leaves behind “Fake User” status). [#121310]
- bpy.ops.image.clipboard_paste() causing crashes in 3dview , image editor have no problem. [#121108]
- NLA push down order inconsistency. [#121121]
Blender 3.6.11 LTS – April 16, 2024
- Blender crash on pose library N-panel. [#108078]
- UI: missing update after changing the symmetry axis. [#118137]
- Update problem with detail size and voxel size edit boxes in sculpt mode. [#119275]
- GP Fill Tool not working on Mac with Metal GPU Backend. [#109363]
- Modal knife tool can crash if used on hidden object. [#116262]
- Missing driver bone target doesn’t mark driver as invalid. [#119523]
- Regression: Wrong orientation on shrinkwrap constrained instanced collection. [#119992]
- Crash rendering when using OptiX and Grease Pencil on recent drivers. [#120007]
Blender 3.6.10 LTS – March 19, 2024
- Migration of libraries to Git LFS. [#108978]
- install_linux_packages: Add git-lfs to ‘build essentials’. [888c41316f]
- Deleting an unused light group caused the environment light group to render to another light group. [#117586]
- Crash on attempting to rename linked object from the NLA. [#118225]
- Fix #107228: crash when layer cannot be created. [#118378]
- Crash when delete linked object in scenes outliner. [#105968]
- image > copy, adds 3 white pixels on the left, deletes 3 pixels on the right. [#118351]
- GPencil: Blender crash when file open. [#102930]
- Fix: Cycles incorrect rendering of certain negative strength lights. [a3702760609]
- Cycles: Improve reporting of HIP texture allocation failures. [5fc714999bf]
- Fix: Cycles HIP incorrect rendering of clip image textures. [89d8f12730c]
- Cycles Crash on deleting/hiding all mesh objects with HIP RT (Experimental). [#112983]
- Cycles: HIP search for ROCm 6 driver. [0ea4ac2ef39]
- Blender crashes at OpenGL render if viewport.lock_rotation is True. [#119058]
- Blender Crashes when trying to create a Pivot Constraint for armature. [#104657]
- blender crash itself while importing a dae (collide) file. [#102860]
- Collada export crashes (when relative “//” is in `Preferences` > `File Paths` > `Temporary Files`). [#95411]
- Specific Rig Crashes blender when going into pose mode. [#84848]
- Able to link an external collection inside another linked collection, causes data loss. [#119142]
- ‘Set Action’ in outliner does not correctly update the animation. [#119106]
- Segmentation fault when selecting context.area.type before applying operator (scripting). [#54468]
- Copy material to selected causes crash when receiving object doesn’t have a material slot. [#114552]
- Outliner (Data API mode) crash trying to display a MeshSkinVertex in editmode. [#79961]
- Build: upgrade Intel Graphics Compiler on Linux. [95c42a9d]
- Build: Upgrade Intel Graphics Compiler to 1.0.15468 on Linux. [d8cca36c788]
- Possible crash with Motion Blur with changing curves count. [#117485]
- Crash loading certain .exr file in compositor. [#101227]
- IMB: Read single-layer XYZ channels as a combined image. [23df139aafb5f31c0b370c0c5fa9bf2ec22d026a]
- IMB: Support rgba and V channels in single-layer EXR. [b54a26ede47668a3aba537e1f57d6b60d54f1778]
- liboverride_troubleshoot_operation(): fails with context incorrect, even with screen.areas.type == ‘OUTLINER’. [#118299]
- library override causes incorrect parenting (and subsequent problems). [#118300]
- Fix LibOverride asserting when same RNA path changes type. [2c4589ca82]
Blender 3.6.9 LTS – February 20, 2024
- Geometry Nodes: quick plug ignores Accumulate field Group ID socket. [#117647]
- Regression: Array Caps broken on empty mesh in 3.5. [#107353]
- VDM Brush Baker built-in Addon : warning at startup. [#117150]
- [Sun position] Fix missing parameter (patch available). [#117397]
- Assign Shortcut Missing when Right Clicking Undo History. [#97431]
- Crash dispalying subdivision surface mesh with loose edges in edit-mode. [#117015]
- Regression: Guiding in manta is broken. [#106425]
- External Particle Cache Playback Is Broken (2.8). [#68436]
- Blender Crash When Changing Color Palette in Edit Mode. [#117526]
- Unable to enter node group by clicking on the icon after exiting it using the shortcut ctrl+tab. [#117530]
- UDIMs not packing to blend file and causing color artifacts. [#117411]
- When rendering an image sequence with stereoscopy and overwrite disabled, images still get overwritten. [#117674]
- When rendering an image sequence with stereoscopy and overwrite disabled, images still get overwritten. [#117674]
- Fix: Cycles MIS disabled unnecessarily with transparency, causing fireflies. [02b9ea70729]
- bpy.ops.paint.image_paint with a texture requires initialization with manual paint stroke otherwise color not quite right. [#54554]
- Changing the order of vertex groups changes the specified vertex group in the modifier. [#113803]
- Fix buffer overflow passing a vertical segment to convexhull_2d. [bc4b4e8ec32]
- Regression: Crash on deleting shape key from Blender File view. [#108407]
- object.override_library.resync(…) — crashes when view_layer is not specified. [#118055]
- Cycles plane Emission gradient “clipping”. [#117771]
- Regression: Crash on deleting shape key from Blender File view. [#108407]
Blender 3.6.8 LTS – January 16, 2024
- Cycles: add ROCm 6 compatibility for HIP. [888612cb0e]
- Nodes: Add forward compatibility versioning for #111187. [a4dd4fe220a5a074f5cfd6d852e63178ca803eb7]
- Graph editor: “Frame selected” zooms in so much that Y axis disappears. [#115678]
- Make the preference option “remap relative” apply for all save operations. [27ce1cac808]
- Pressing ESC during operators of bpy.ops.graph won’t cancel de operation. [#115330]
- foreach_get/set doesn’t work for enum. [#92621]
- Regression: VSE: Crash unlinking packed font file from text strip with more than one user. [#116215]
- Assert on selecting object in outliner. [#116193]
- Geometry Nodes: shortest path node can’t process attributes properly. [#116274]
- bpy.ops.wm.url_open() can no longer open html files in the filesystem. [#116280]
- Fix #116695: Light Tree assert with certain light visibility settings. [#116703]
- File Browser: Blender freezes for half a minute when opening File Browser. [#112599]
- Fix: memory leak during Property Search. [b2c34fa95b0]
- Extrude to Cursor tool: it don’t allow to correct position of new vertex after LMB pressed. [#114282]
- Regression: UV window menus disappearing. [#115590]
- Python error loading fbx file in new project. [#105045]
- Crash: Opening a 3.3 project crashes 3.6/4.0. [#114582]
- Regression: UV window menus disappearing. [#115590]
- Rendering multiple deformation motion blur steps with “velocity” attribute is wrong and can cause memory problems. [#116792]
- FCurve extrapolation ignored in whenever anything is present in the NLA. [#115978]
Blender 3.6.7 LTS – December 12, 2023
- Fix: Increase thread stack size for musl libc. [064a48ad28e3e25259084b34d17de6cca01d6495]
- Fix uninitialized pending actions for Windows under Wayland. [c3f67cd541f]
- Ghost: Fix build error with MSVC 17.7 preview 3. [ec6aa0b3fd3]
- Grease pencil time offset modifier doesn’t work if the animation is 1 frame long. [#114685]
- Fix ‘Make LibOverride’ on Empty-instanced collection making everything editable. [71b159d1585]
- In the OPTIX viewport rendering mode, trimming the curve leads to an OPTIX crash. [#113325]
- API Unexpected timer event after clicking the Modifier sort area in UI. [#113697]
- Discovered typo in bmesh code. [#115060]
- Scrollbars for template_lists in popups dont update correctly. [#115363]
- Massive lag in Spreadsheet editor when scrolling. [#114557]
- Fix animation player bug upon shutdown. [431a0844fc0e6082aa6e8432c36a18697859c841]
List of fixes from 3.6.6 (official release for that was skipped)
- Light of ‘Area’ type lamp presents artifacts when placed at great distances. [#110183]
- Regression: Cycles: Weird Mesh Light Sampling. [#112931]
- Mesh analysis type does not change on non-active objects during multi-object editing. [#113285]
- Freestyle: Lineset “Fill Range by selection” operator fails with python error. [#113255]
- Painting with Ctrl Left Mouse in the Image Editor doesn’t respect selected secondary color. [#113323]
- New windows in Blender being added with wrong depth order on Mac 14.0. [#112935]
- SSS polygon boundary artifacts with volume absorption. [#113461]
- Crash or error when exporting big Layout Uvs. [#110524]
- API gpu.state.scissor_test_set(False) not working. [#113310]
- Geometry Nodes: Viewer sees handle type update after its connection point. [#113429]
- Segmentation Fault Crashing Blender when Rendering. [#110415]
- Weight gradient tool auto normalizes over locked groups. [#107920]
- Weight paint gradient tool paints over hidden vertices. [#113798]
- Weight Gradient tool paints over locked vertex groups. [#107918]
- context.annotation_data isn’t set to nullptr when the last annotation layer is deleted. [#112683]
- RGB-shifted edges when outputting IndexOB 16-bit PNG. [#111442]
- The Properties space “search filter” disables checkboxes in panel headers when searching. [#114015]
- Make Local (All) operator is crashing Blender with Library Override Collections. [#114134]
- Cycles: update Linux library search paths for upcoming ROCm 6. [fa006094360]
- Fix mouse cursor failing to update for blocking actions on Wayland. [98ec3826ac]
- Fix #107523: Cursor not cleared when panning stops. [6e51a2eaea]
- Fix drag & drop crash when dragging over window decorations on Wayland. [4eca55cc11]
- Fix invalid surface size under Wayland when GHOST set the window size. [4b34443c10]
- Fix crash dragging images into the animation player. [601141e01c]
- Fix incorrect screen-size under Wayland with transformed outputs. [06e08069fc]
- File forward compatibility 4.0 to 3.6.5 – Redo panel not opening. [#114536]
- Weird behavior with the set spline type node selection. [#110666]
- Fix “make bpy” on macOS not install libraries inside bpy module. [00fbe3b112f]
- Blender 3.3 crashes when opening a 3.6 file with a complex armature. [#114152]
- when opening a .blend in 4.1 that was created in 3.6, Blender hard crashes when changing the cycles viewport render pass from the viewport shading menu. [#114336]
- Crash when I import OBJ file. [#114304]
- USDZ conversion happens outside of main thread. [#114415]
- UI: Blender no longer displays a warning for too new .blends. [#114430]
- Frame Range Metadata doesn’t work when you want to burn it into image. [#113810]
- Unexpected clip duplication and crash in NLA editor, when moving multi instance shapekey animation clips. [#114216]
- Trace image to Grease Pencil always miss the first image in a sequence. [#114358]
- VSE: Separate Images (Y) is broken – It is only duplicating the first image to all the resulting strips. [#114434]
- Fix potential buffer overflow in strcpy use on macOS. [09baf6a8bc8]
- Fix #66286: DblClick to rename UIList items within a popover not working. [#114363]
- Regression: Crash on deleting NLA strip in tweak mode. [#109430]
- Fix USD Export crash with complex scenes, due to race condition during depsgraph building. [e76cb15a3f3]
Blender 3.6.5 LTS – October 19, 2023
- Multiscatter GGX Refraction Roughness Bug. [#109907]
- Blender 3.6 crashes when opening 3.5 files with library overrides / shape keys. [#112623]
- Regression: Smart UV project stopped aligning islands vertically. [#110724]
- Regression: Uv Unpacking creates diagonal pieces instead of straight ones. [#109906]
- Crash backtrace missing on Linux. [#111186]
- Fix (studio-reported) liboverride: hierarchy root ensure fails in some cases. [8a15a61e0f78e]
- Fix: crash in liboverride hierarchy ensure. [e6b99c15dbaf5]
- Fix (unreported) liboverride: Hierarchy corruption when making some override local. [c80b45f646289]
- Rigify: fix unreliable interpolation of limb tweak roll. [bf936d59]
- glTF importer: Fix custom attribute import. [8a4a56ea]
- Fix incorrect cast for BLF_str_offset_from_cursor_position. [e785101e73317a8ff7c51ddd2974f1504b178639]
- Line Art doesn’t render from Sequencer Perspective. [#100596]
- Clear and Keep Transformation not working when keyed. [#97628]
- Fix #93685: Allow Outliner Drag to Other Windows. [#105196]
- Fix memory leak when the explode modifier is used with vertex groups. [30eb74ca48d]
- Regression: Artifacts after importing fbx file. [#109599]
- PLY export: Export broken result when mesh has faces with >255 vertices. [#112011]
- Importing old theme crashes Blender on “Load X.X Settings”. [#113002]
- Start getting Blender default Font in Text rendering after long use. [#113044]
- Python: support the step and precision arguments in rna_idprop_ui_create. [74821371676]
- Assertion fails when parenting a library override to a bone. [#112548]
- OSL CheckBox socket not working in NodeGroup. [#106760]
- Fix (unreported) crash in ‘startup.blend’ GP default update code. [b2c0e49bf3a]
- Edit Mode: Memory Leak for Separate By Loose Parts. [#113387]
- 3.6 LTS: Fix text editor auto-close potentially auto-closing non-brackets. [8b5d0ba19f9ac14f5c68da6f7d2b7fc14b95b13e]
- 3.6 LTS: Fix crash converting spaces to tabs. [1f09031dc79a2fa2c334b95b321d804eadfab6dd]
- Regression: Geometry Nodes: Merge by Distance node crashes. [#112909]
- Bevel + Weld modifer Crash. [#112922]
Blender 3.6.4 LTS – September 26, 2023
- “Jump to keyframe” grayed out. Unable to jump between keyframes. [#112673]
- Transfer Mode operator doesn’t update outliner selection. [#101550]
- Python modifiers.execution_time doesn’t work on curve objects. [#112397]
- Fix #112399: Memory leak with exceptions from scripts in the text editor. [d9ab0a3ef7f]
Blender 3.6.3 LTS – September 21, 2023
- Regression: File crashes the program. [#111235]
- Fix (unreported) invalid memory access in new ‘newer blendfile version’ code. [5b6106f71aec]
- Crash when switching to the Face select mode in 3.6. [#110136]
- Regression: Files from last 4.0 can not be saved in 3.6.2 due to undefined region type. [#111332]
- Fix: ensure bones are on at least one layer on blend file reading. [2fc04eaf4310e64ffbe713376e54df878c9a4279]
- UV editor: show_gizmo does not switch off gizmos. [#110721]
- Regression: OBJ Importer fails to import objects. [#110948]
- Fix (partially) wrong RNA path for ‘ViewShading’ data. [4cf03b28b32]
- Keyframe jump operator in the Graph Editor does not respect NLA offset. [#110789]
- rna_prop_ui.rna_idprop_ui_create() fails to create new string property. [#110464]
- Regression: Area resize cursor does not appear on minimized spreadsheet area. [#110085]
- GPU: Fix signed/unsigned mismatches in shader code. [#111094]
- Dropping object name on existing object socket in node editor not working. [#110723]
- Swap Strips can delete strips if there is not enough space. [#109081]
- Fix Weld modifier generating invalid mesh. [5b7af751fa5d1619c18fa1899cca885e9b8b79f0]
- Regression: Blender Crashes On Scene Switch. [#111165]
- Fatal crash with Freestyle SVG Export when rendering to a directory that does not exist yet. [#104723]
- Fix #110053: Crash on linked animation data with drivers. [#110795]
- Crash when changing asset icon. [#106976]
- Vector displacement suspected to cause geometry artefact and CUDA error. [#111277]
- UI: Error Logging for Some Screen Operations. [dd7f9749366]
- Modifier’s Main Dropdown goes backwards. [#111238]
- Unable to remove added keying set from context menu. [#94129]
- Shortcut information missing in animation editors channel context menu. [#109427]
- Crash accessing text style properties in object mode. [#110508]
- Linked overriden o bject cannot be made local (if it has a parent in the sourcefile). [#111439]
- Fix: Memory leak in Graph editor keyframe jump. [eb77eaa7d87]
- VSE: appended modifier stack incorrectly deletes additional modifier. [#111601]
- Fix: missing update when library override editable is toggled. [8dd151debcb]
- Fix dangling pointer while scrubbing in the sequencer. [c3689c4235c840da78cfe8d815abe97b94679bb6]
- Fix #111607: Do not unregister internal nodes. [#111615]
- Sculpting problem Radius number during push the Shift + click force back to 1px. [#111490]
- Control point Snap does not work for NURBS Surface. [#111548]
- Measure tool snapping does not work. [#109454]
- GeoNodes behaviour differences between 3.6.3 RC, 4.0 master, and 1 month ago. [#111933]
- Regression: Edit mode weights panel shows incorrect values. [#111273]
- Regression: Crash on COW delete of shared custom data. [#109583]
- Fix: Customdata merging does not check layer limit on destination. [2a7d6d182c4]
- Odd blender VSE crashes – Graph editor / Proxy sizes. [#111642]
- Regression: Pressing Enter on the file name text will not confirm file selection. [#111645]
- Overlay drawing issues on Intel HD4400/4600 (Only?). [#111162]
- Regression: Crash on dragging a Speaker NLA strip. [#110161]
- Regression: Adding nodes into node network causes strange placement and jump of node. [#111593]
- Consistent mapping boundaries of brush textures. [#109201]
- Fix error batch renaming light probes. [b8ab67827db]
- Cycles: oneAPI: on Windows, embree on GPU may crash when rendering duration exceeds 3 minutes. [#109282]
- Regression: Crash with assertion after delete scene when some 3D Views have Local Collection enabled. [#111970]
- Compilation of fails with “invalid conversion” error. [#111820]
- Vertex parenting broken on Curve object with multiple splines. [#112208]
- Fix: Regression: Box select not working for GP/GPv3 channels. [9fc217cedfe]
- Regression: Holding Ctrl + Alt + Scroll does not increment values of all selected objects. [#112028]
- Regression: Graph Editor handle highlighting not working correctly. [#112144]
- Sculpt Mode: Mask brush smoothing is broken. [#112285]
- Regression: Split Edges node skips loose edges. [#109236]
- Regression: Geometry Nodes Points of Curve is Outputting Unknown Result. [#112184]
- Regression: Crash when loading with converted curves. [#112068]
- The color attribute from Particle Instance Modifier is incorrect. [#112335]
- Regression: Blender crashes when turning on a pass that has equally named AOV pass already. [#111166]
- Regression: Crash when selecting an object with an orphaned geo node link. [#111411]
- NLA Editor: “Hold Forward” for “Edited Action” track doesn’t work. [#100718]
- Operator (e.g `bpy.ops.object.data_transfer()`) crashes when using `context.copy()` via addon. [#112299]
- Cycles: support building with Windows ROCm 5.5 SDK. [2e1ab36]
- Only some vertex weights can be modified via the UI panel. [#112123]
- Sim Nodes: Don’t delete parent bake directory. [eba0d481bb5]
- Regression: Menu Search crash if mouse is outside of the blender window. [#111212]
Blender 3.6.2 LTS – August 17, 2023
- UILayout.template_node_view() doesn’t render UI properly. [#99569]
- Accent Grave / Tilde key on Apple macOS not working. [#109630]
- Regression: Using Grease Pencil Sculpt Grab Tool on a Stroke affected by Subdivide Modifier will Crash Blender. [#109986]
- Blender 3.6 immediately crashes loading a GN hair model created in 3.5. [#110107]
- Mesh Deform Modifier Vertex Count Error. [#110021]
- Graphics Tablet Lag when in Texture Paint mode in Blender 3.0. [#93796]
- LibOverride: Fix RNA handling of object parent-related properties. [8362d4aa3d5b072de801dccdd32d223c6fe81c88]
- LibOverride: Reset object-parenting related properties in resync process. [cb31546c03b32b39f3a9e21f6eeebd8afc2bb48f]
- LibOverride: Cleanup: Split log into dedicated output for resync code. [db2d14823952d11bda12b783fda425275c1ec92d]
- LibOverride: Fix ‘resync enforce’ not working on RNA collections of IDs. [11c57f30166e0be116030353cba3d4d1fc5a0c6c]
- LibOverride: RNA Apply code: Work around potential duplicates in names of RNA collections of IDs. [8736b6cc83012069f8f91f8a8e51e379be078764]
- Fix (unreported) missing ‘need resync’ detection in overrides of overrides. [a6df00020630d42147cb7e341d4652ade5385611]
- LibOverride: Extend unittest to cover more advanced/complex cases. [30943d710f2e447de5831410a9e9e6fcba1f6826]
- LibOverride: Remove an override property when it has no operations. [cc325ad1ba5b39d89f2211063b2f4577b835a8c3]
- LibOverride: Fix persistent override property in some RNA pointer cases. [f63ca4f7a82cf472cf1db59f18b810ddac2629cb]
- LibOverride: Fix RNA API to access liboverride operation’s flag. [8c81327b84b545370631d96e37f8632d0d6c24f9]
- Fix (unreported) incorrect behavior of liboverride hierarchy fixing code. [4bc512bc9d62e75151660c7cc6e4069bfa0cade3]
- Window autofocus misbehaves. [#109886]
- Regression: Pressing multiple modifier keys at the same time locks mouse click. [#109525]
- Switching open windows ignores held modifiers on WIN32. [#40059]
- Docs: Fix layout of bpy.types.Object Python API documents. [d47755f3c6e]
- Spreadsheet does not update during/after playing animation. [#110164]
- Windows + Intel Arc A770: Crashes if modifying the object after rendering image in rendered view mode. [#109771]
- Animation: Fcurve Channel color band alignment. [0c4a3577469]
- Geometry Nodes: Float Curve input limits are not working unless “reset view” is used. [#106139]
- Appended text looses user (even if used in the Text Editor) after reload. [#110341]
- deps_builder: Update USD repo and hash. [dca1dbbc6c3]
- Regression: Speaker ignoring of the starting position in NLA track. [#110336]
- `use spatial splits` does not display point cloud correctly on video card. [#110170]
- Regression: Deadlock on render start. [#110426]
- Fix #109417: Cycles HIP RT crash with multi device rendering. [#110512]
- Snaping in solid mode (Xray 1.0) doesnt snap to “occluded” geometry. [#110259]
- no way to properly initialize for driver in material. [#109720]
- How to Handle Forward Compatibility. [#109151]
- Fix (unreported) minor bug in RNA/Liboverride apply code. [fbcaf7bf6f8]
- blender 3.6.1 crashes on start with wayland. [#110627]
- Regression: Gizmo stuck in place when I playback my animation. [#110041]
- Fix #110615: missing GL dev packages in [#110609]
- Regression: Loading a VSE .blend file created in older version into 3.6.0 loses information about video/audio clip cut lengths. [#110333]
- vse separate image after import not working. [#110205]
- Keyframes on values of linked data. [#109781]
- Fix (unreported) missing handling of ViewLayer IDProperties in foreach_id code. [c426d5b084b]
- Fix (unreported) collection ‘readfile’ expand incorrect assertion. [455683c838b]
- Export_3ds: Fixed camera & spotlight target calculation. [c94cc788]
- glTF exporter: fix missing animation hook parameter. [18d26d61]
- Export_3ds: Fixed mismatched sign in target calculation. [82ce03ac]
- Import_3ds: Fixed mismatched sign in target calculation. [90a7110b]
- (Sun Position) – “North” indicator will not hide. [#104781]
- Extra objects: Fix TypeError when torus knot added. [973e85bd]
- Regression: Normal Edit modifier screws up UVs. [#110471]
- Vertex weight slider not functional in a smooth way (weightpaint mode, editmode is fine). [#109460]
- Make Line Tool Crashes Blender When Object Has Subdivision Surface Modifier. [#110601]
- Keyframes on values of linked data. [#109781]
- new gaussian smooth creates jagged keys. [#109799]
- Graphic glitches while editing curves – Apple M2. [#110372]
Blender 3.6.1 LTS – July 18, 2023
- Operator bpy.ops.uv.pack_islands call leads to Blender crash. [#108171]
- Append: in `localize All` case, LibOverrides does not behave properly and will leave Main data in invalid state. [#109004]
- Frame change handler no longer entered when playback stops. [#109218]
- Fix (studio-reported) crash when using ‘Clear’ on a liboverride hierarchy in the Outliner. [6adfd2ae393]
- Fix property tags dummy enum value holding a reference to stack memory. [45bf61f131e]
- Fix dropping files onto the window under Wayland in some cases. [f825a346fcf]
- Enum properties don’t display text in Dope Sheet sliders. [#109198]
- Baking in multi-Tiles textures (Udim) from MultiRes only use the height of the last tile as reference. [#109302]
- Orbit Around Selection in Edit Mode is not working after 3.6.0 update. [#109519]
- How to add credit to non-committers authors. [#109438]
- Regression: Vertex Weight Mix crash on apply/undo when mesh has shape keys. [#109523]
- Regression: Wireframe overlay on mesh Merge by Distance omits some edges. [#109577]
- NLA editor tracks checkbox overlapping names when left side panel is too small. [#109455]
- Regression: Outliner: Assert in outliner_collect_objects_to_delete. [#109590]
- Fix (unreported) missing viewlayer sync call in Outliner liboverride tool. [9f6a4d0c065]
- Fix toggling of liboverrides between editable and non-edtiable with “Make” tool in the Outliner. [7880ae7c787]
- Regression: Cycles: Optix not able to render without cuda toolkit. [#109550]
- Blender 3.6 > .dds image /texture issue. [#109442]
- Error when collection visibility property is used in driver expression (fixed in main, backport request). [#109570]
- Mesh.polygon_normals[0].value reports incorrect normal. [#109745]
- Regression: Edge Crease behaves differently between Complex and Simple Solidify. [#109691]
- Fix (unreported) potential crash in ‘make override’ Outliner tool. [8bbd05e76f]
- LibOverride: Add debug util to print out liboverride data. [34965bfcca]
- LibOverride: Expose ‘match reference’ status flag in RNA API. [737c941eca]
- LibOverride: Fix potential minor issues in RNA liboverride handling code. [1b76b95886]
- Node Wrangler: No matching images found. [#104573]
- FBX: Materials missing from linked duplicates. [#104737]
- Import_3ds: Fixed target calculation. [8e348cb5]
- Blender HIP library `` loading issue in linux. [#109562]
- Fix use-after free while transforming sequence strips. [fa2a28e96d0]
- Fix sequencer image cache holding references to freed keys. [59ab70b594f]
- Cycles: Embree: Resolve padding-related issue during buffer creations. [ab457ae62e3]
- Cycles: Fix Out-Of-Bounds issues during Embree BVH building. [a81dccceaf9]
- Applying a Bevel modifer on a object with UVs pins the uv islands. [#109471]
- Weird rendering of points with velocity attribute. [#103918]
- Regression: Blender creates unexpected selection areas when using Select Box or Select Lasso which can lead to crashes. [#109532]
- Fix memory leak when there are unexpectedly more than MAXSEQ strips. [8142195f290]
- Fix invalid address-of operator (hidden by a cast). [aef44c2d503]
- Using python to add a driver to rigid body properties causes a crash. [#109887]
- UI: Grey out ShapeKey list entry on mute. [be09111784d]
- Unknown engine warning only shown when loading from a popup. [#109952]
- Unable to start Blender 3.5 on MacOS 10.15. [#106905]
- Viewport glitches when using Metal backend. [#109389]
- Incorrect behavior when moving/linking objects to non-overridden linked collection. [#109898]
- Geometry Nodes: Simulation crash. [#109885]
- Faces use retopology overlay color even when retopology overlay is disabled. [#109662]
- Overlay: Edit Mesh wireframe incorrect bias. [#109040]
- Crash when calculating rigid body mass. [#109928]
- Regression: Average Brush in Vertex Paint Mode is broken. [#109822]
- Can’t delete scene using context menu in “Blender File” view in outliner. [#109802]
- LibOverride: Fix diffing code not always cleaning unused operations. [3d2bae8a5daae92]
- Regression: Cycles render crash using F12 render after running script that uses bpy.ops.render. [#109718]
- Keyframes on values of linked data. [#109781]
- Snapping no longer works behind faces/objects in wireframe/x-ray mode. [#109433]
- Regression: Array modifier change a merged Root vertex of Skin modifier. [#109565]
- vertex slide is broken when using shortcut double GG with face projection snap. [#109633]
- new gaussian smooth creates jagged keys. [#109799]
- Cycles HIP RT glass BSDF artifacts. [#109418]
- Regression: Geometry Nodes: Edge Split node crash. [#110005]