CTN animation eXpo 2019 (Burbank – CA, November 21-24) affectionately known as CTNX, is an event that brings together talents from the animation industry, worldwide. For the first time Blender will have a presence in the exhibition floor (B64-B65) and is going to take part in 3 events, featuring artists from the Blender Animation studio crew.
Presentations and Panels
Blender will be represented at the following events:
Friday 22 at 5 PM – Short film production with Blender, with Julien Kaspar, Hjalti Hjalmarsson and Francesco Siddi at Theater 1
Saturday 23 at 5 PM – Blender Speed Sculpting Live Session, with Julien Kaspar, at the Featured Artist Demo Stage
Sunday 24 at 12 PM – The Hand of Animation, with Halti Hjalmarsson at Theater 5
Come and see us!
If you are attending CTNX and would like to hang out on Thursday, get in touch with [email protected] or reach out to us directly on social media!